Praise For Fearless

“Julie Blacklow’s career in Seattle’s lively local news scene was one big story after another which she recounts in Fearless in her omigod style. Fearless, entertaining and passionate. Julie was born to be a journalist.”
Tom Brokaw
Senior Correspondent, NBC News
“A wickedly funny, entertaining and heart-wrenching page-turner. Julie’s laugh-out-loud wit and eloquent prose give us a glimpse behind the curtains of history; events that are thrilling, sometimes gruesome and shocking and seemingly unreal. Courage, heart and relentless determination seep from the pages of this real-life story. Fearless is a story of resilience and survival—a poignant reminder of what it takes for the bravest of journalists to keep up the fight.”
Joyce Taylor
KING 5 News Anchor/Journalist
“I have known Julie Blacklow for more than forty years and I have always been impressed by her intelligence, her drive, and her professional skills. But the thing that has impressed me most is her courage to follow her heart and change her life in ways that most of us might want to do, but would be afraid to do. Her journey is one that has been an inspiration to us all. And even though I knew a lot of her story, I did not know the full depth and breadth of her entire life. She has many tales to tell and she tells them beautifully.”
Pepper Schwartz
Professor of Sociology, University of Washington, TV Host and Relationship Expert
“For a person whose life’s work revolved around telling other people’s stories, Julie’s is worth the price of admission. At a time when some consider news ‘fake’ and journalism itself is under attack, this is a master’s degree in reporting from one of our business’s best ever. Julie knows news and knows how to make you cherish it as much as she does. I knew she was good when we were co-workers, but I had no idea of the badass she really was.”
Steve Raible
Anchor KIRO 7 New, Radio Play-by-Play Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Seahawks Wide Receiver, Retired
“My main interest is making sure that all do themselves a huge favor and read Fearless! It chronicles the compelling life story of an individual of enormous candor, tenacity, and talent. God, Julie just opens up her heart, her secrets, her deepest thoughts in a way I found so unusual. What amazes me is how she brings together so many significant stories and key events of our generation in so few pages and makes it such an enjoyable read that runs a roller-coaster gamut from thrilling to poignant. It is hard to explain how deeply taken I was by this book.”
Pat O’Day
Radio Legend
“Julie Blacklow is a trailblazing woman who entered the male-dominated TV news scene in Seattle in 1972 with a burning desire to witness history. Her intensely personal story shows how she succeeded; from chasing criminals, to cornering politicians and celebrities, to a raunchy encounter with a rock ‘n roll legend. Fearless is a highly absorbing journey and at the end the reader is left grateful for having been along on the ride.”
George Lewis
NBC Correspondent, Retired
“I flat-out love what Julie has written here! Television news viewers see, but rarely get to know, the person on the screen. In Fearless she shares all of who she is. Julie plied her craft blessed with a big dose of sensitivity and a deep sense of justice. Those gifts were sometimes a burden, but they always showed in her work and defined her to her colleagues. I hired and coached hundreds of people with talent and integrity over many decades and though I ‘inherited’ her, she possessed those qualities in abundance.”
Bob Jordan
Former News Director, KING Television
“The fabric of Julie Blacklow’s life is an improbable, crazy quilt that she stitches together with seamless and eloquent words. She takes us on a wild ride of dizzying highs and lows. She also survived two life-threatening illnesses and turned down an offer of money for sex from legend Chuck Berry. This seven-decades long saga is further enriched by historic vignettes that provide valuable context and substance, along with vintage photos and treasured mementoes.”
Larry Coffman
Publisher, MARKETING
“The best reporters are those who have lived fully and embraced a wide variety of people, places, and events. They follow such experiences with honest personal reflection. That gifts us with reporters like Julie Blacklow, who possess the emotional and intellectual depth to do more than simply relate the ‘facts’…but also place events in context, move us, fascinate us, and relate those experiences to our lives, all of which she’s done in this stunning book. In these pages, Julie shares the best and worst of the history and human condition she has witnessed and serves as a lens…honestly examining and analyzing what she has discovered. I know of no one who wielded that lens better than Julie who challenges, educates and yes —entertains us in this remarkable memoir.”
Jeff Renner
Former KING-TV Chief Meteorologist and Science Reporter
“What a fascinating read! Julie Blacklow has lived a unique life! Packed it all in. The portrait of a strong woman—one who knows who she is and knows how to communicate clearly all the jaw-dropping highs and lows.”
Patti Payne
Columnist, Puget Sound Business Journal; Founder of the Payne Group—Communicating and Connecting
“I worked alongside Julie for many years in local television news. Her book is a collection of stories that creates a poignant, tragic, funny, wacky, and crazy mosaic of a career well spent. She always had an insatiable curiosity, unstoppable drive and above all, a strong ethical compass that made her a model for first-class reporting. Fearless is the story of a badass reporter and should be required reading for all who would be journalists.”
Ken Jones
KING TV Chief Photographer, Retired