About the Author

Julie Blacklow is an Emmy-award winning journalist with more than forty years in the television news business. Among the first generation of women in television news in the United States, she encountered the entire spectrum of humanity from movie stars to murderers and regular people overcoming everyday obstacles. Born and raised in Washington, DC, Blacklow migrated to the other Washington in her early twenties and settled in Seattle. Hers is a life writ large, a roller-coaster ride with a remarkable number of highs and terrifying lows.
At the age of sixty, Blacklow switched careers, leaving the world of television news to manage a horse ranch, a dramatic career change where she learned animals are often far more sane than humans. She has owned five dogs, four cats, one horse and has one son, Jeremy, whom she claims is the best “thing” she ever produced. Her friends describe her as complicated, tenacious, decisive, bossy, opinionated, loving, loyal, and most of all, brave.